Flawless Triumph Seal
This service is for our top-tier PVP team to assist you in earning the Trials of Osiris exclusive title by completing some of the most difficult challenges and triumphs within the newest pinnacle PVP activity! Our team makes the road to showing off this title quick and easy!
Depending on the Triumphs you select, our team can complete the following recovery services for you:
Confidence is High
Complete a Flawless Passage of Confidence during the current Season; please keep in mind you must have a Flawless card on your character already in order to do another run with Passage of Confidence, essentially 2X Flawless
Safe Harbor
After visiting the Lighthouse at least once, assist three other players in reaching the Lighthouse
(This service does not Guarantee a Flawless)
Guardian of the Lighthouse
Win 15 matches on a ticket after reaching 7 wins during the current Season
All Roads to Victory
Earn wins in Trials with several different passages (10 wins EACH while holding a Passage of Mercy, Ferocity, Wisdom, Wealth, and Confidence - 50 wins total)
Gilded Flawless Triumph Options
We now offer the Seasonal Gilded Triumphs required to earn a Gilded Flawless Seal! Please note that you must have all standard Flawless triumphs before unlocking the ability to earn the Gilded Version. To read more about he individual triumphs, please review our
Gilded Triumph Seal page