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Continue ShoppingOur team at Master Carries consists of a group of professional players from around the globe that put teamwork, trust, and security at the forefront. We love to educate and be the catalyst that allows new and seasoned players to access content and rewards that they otherwise may not be able to due to any number of reasons. We are all highly experienced gamers with the motivation and goal to build the trust of our fellow guardians as service providers.
Destiny 1 was my gateway into the world of MMOs - and sure, I've spent hundreds of hours with the traditional early 2000's games like Assassin's Creed, Skyrim, and the nostalgic titles that we know and love (Zelda). But D1 was the beginning of a long-term relationship with gaming that flourished even more as the game progressed into D2, especially after meeting Jake and Choke.
If you've run a coaching run with our team on Xbox or PC, you'll likely know me as Vice. Aside from being a full-time student and full-time Hunter main, I also handle the design and logistical sides of MC as well as manage the PVE side with Jake and our other PVE administrative Guardians. Working with new Guardians is the best part of all of this, so don't be shy!
You will all know me as Choke, but I also go by the name of ‘Papa Master Carries’. I am the PVP Manager here at Master Carries, I have been around the online gaming scene a long time (I’m old) and even dabbed into some competitive gaming myself back in the Halo 3 days, I competed in a few LAN events and had a blast.
These days I don’t get much time to game but I am always up to date with what's happening in the gaming world, gaming is in my blood. I am a perfectionist & very competitive and will always do my best to make sure every PVP order is fulfilled to the highest standard alongside our other Managers and that has & always will be what we aim for.
My name is Jake but you can also call me Zyg (Zig). I am one of the PVE managers here at MasterCarries alongside Vice & our other Admins. I have been gaming as far back as I can remember; Crash, Spyro & 007 Golden eye as a kid. As I got older I played more and more games as they came out but what really took ahold of me was Halo. That’s actually how I met my best friend - we had a little game “Warthog Bash” on Halo CE & Halo 2 (You can ask me about it if you’d like). Ever since then I have had a passion for gaming and being competitive, I guess my 3 older brothers helped with that one as well. I was introduced to Destiny when Kings fall came out but I was only a casual player until Destiny 2. That’s when I started branching out and I had to complete any and all activities in the game. “Perfectionist”, as Choke said. Now, I play Destiny 2 & COD but I do enjoy story driven games like Cyberpunk & Assassins Creed. As one of the PVE managers I will make sure your order is completed as quickly, securely, and professionally as possible!
Each of us are either approaching or have achieved Master rank in raid completions to reach combined total of over 25,000 raid completions (including two- and three-man tags, flawless, and some of the top speed ranks in the world); we are all fully equipped with an unlocked arsenal and a highly skilled team across all platforms. Whether we're grinding for Day 1 raid completions or pinnacle Crucible weapons, our team is present and participating to get those top-tier rewards. On top of that, our PvP team truly exhibits what it means to be top 1% players, both in skill and professionalism, with thousands of Trials flawless cards and unbeatable stats who have been in the competitive PVP business since early Halo days. Overall, as a team, we have a combined total of more than 5000 days in-game time. However, the most important statistic is what you think of us, and as a growing provider the most prominent thing that we look forward to having bragging rights about is the trust of our customers.
To help understand what we're all about, we have a few rules we all play by:
We ensure to treat all people with respect and accounts as if they were our own, plus some. We know the time, dedication, and care that goes into building up your accounts and would never put it at risk for any reason. We understand the caution in providing us with your account information during account recoveries, so aside from the safety guarantee we make every customer, we ask that you please contact us with any questions so we can talk you through the process or discuss other options.
We aim to educate whenever you play with us (and even when you don't), not just rush the experience. With this, you will gain confidence and the ability to get into this content in the future with the knowledge of how the activity works.
We ensure professionalism, resulting in services that exhibit patience, flexibility, trustworthiness, honesty, and working in an efficient and timely manner.
We promise to be fair, whether it be in the background with management or being patient in-game. We believe in reasonable prices, keeping our customers informed and updated, and understanding that everyone is at their own level in this game.
We guarantee that your privacy is always respected, which serves as an umbrella statement to the fact that your information is 100% secure and private, both in regard to your account/financial information or otherwise. If you look at the URL bar, you can see a lock icon, indicating that our website is totally secure and private.
If you ever have any questions, please contact us as soon as possible and make sure to check out our F.A.Q. tab for more info on what we have to offer. We look forward to working with you, and as you've heard many times before, per audacia ad astra, Guardian.