About Us
Our team at Master Carries consists of a group of professional players from around the globe that put teamwork, trust, and security at the forefront. We love to educate and be the catalyst that allows new and seasoned players to access content and rewards that they otherwise may not be able to due to any number of reasons. We are all highly experienced gamers with the motivation and goal to build the trust of our fellow guardians as service providers.
Our Mission |
Why Choose Us? |
Tens of thousands of gamers have utilized our services for any number of reasons. A few common ones include:
Our mission is to help you complete the content, build your skillset, and access the rewards you’re after regardless of the reason. Our team is here to support you in reaching whatever goals you’re aiming to achieve. |
At MC, we have founded our services and business on three central tenants: security, trust, and professionalism. Whether we’re grinding for Day 1 raid completions or pinnacle Crucible weapons, our team is present and participating to get those top-tier rewards. Our teams truly exhibit what it means to be top 1% players, both in skill and professionalism. However, the most important statistic is what you, our clients, think of us. In other words, the stats we love to brag about most is the trust of our customers. |
Our Core Team

Rae | PVE Lead & Site Design
D1 was my gateway into the world of MMOs – and sure, I’ve spent hundreds of hours with the classics like Assassin’s Creed, Skyrim, and the nostalgic titles that we know and love (Zelda). However, D1 was the beginning of a long-term relationship with gaming that flourished even more as the game progressed into D2 and beyond.
If you’ve joined a coaching run with our Xbox or PC teams, you’ve likely run into myself, Jake, and our incredible team. As one of our PVE leads, I spearhead any aspect of the PVE side as well as manage the logistics of the site. Away from MC, I’m a full-time graduate student and dog parent.
My favorite titles: D2, Assassin’s Creed, COD

Choke | PVP Lead
You will all know me as Choke, but I also go by the name of ‘Papa Master Carries’. I am the PVP Manager here at MC and have been around the online gaming scene for quite some time (I’m old). I’ve even dabbled into some competitive gaming myself back in the Halo 3 days. Since then, I have been keeping up-to-date with all things gaming, especially competitive genres.
As a gamer and an MC admin, I’m very competitive; I will always do my best to make sure every PVP order is fulfilled to our highest standards in both security and quality.
My favorite titles: Halo, D2, Remnant, Apex
Jake | PVE Lead
My name is Jake but you can also call me Zyg (Zig). I am one of the PVE managers here at Master Carries alongside Rae & our other Admins. I have been gaming as far back as I can remember; as I got older, I played more and more games, but what really took ahold of me was Halo. Ever since then I have had a passion for gaming and being competitive (I guess my 3 older brothers helped with that one as well).
Now, I play D2, COD, and story-driven games like Cyberpunk and Assassin’s Creed. As one of the PVE managers, my primary goal is to ensure your order is completed as quickly, securely, and professionally as possible!
My favorite titles: D2, Halo, COD